Front-end Engineering Work Samples

Fitness App

Enables users to store their health data in a Google Firebase Firestore and then visualize their exercise habits.

Budgeting App

Enables users to see how they're spending their money with a clickable pie chart generated in realtime with d3.js.

Data Visualizations

A dynamically-generated bubble chart representing a structured dataset that enables users to visualize data hierarchies.

technology merging with biology

Automation App Examples

By leveraging a combination of APIs and Google Apps Script services, many workflows can be automated through GSuite / Google products (e.g. Gmail, Sheets, Drive), saving hundreds of hours every year.

GSuite Developers
Automated Certificate Workflow

Developed a certificate generation app for Eazl, a popular online school, that generates a custom student certificate, files it in the School's Drive folder, generates a sharable link, communicates with the student, and enrolls them in an automatically-scheduled email series with ~16 seconds of human work.

Automated Communication Apps

Built Honeybee, an app built by combining Google Apps Script services, which enables teachers to build and deploy learning automations for students and other stakeholders. Designed and built a custom CRUD database using the GSuite Properties service. Published to the GSuite Marketplace in 2019.

technology integrating with all human systems

About Me

Hi there I'm Davis Jones. I develop apps and digital learning products, and I love working with growth-stage teams.

    My technical skillsets:
  • JavaScript (d3.js, Node, React, Redux)
  • HTML5/CSS3 (e.g. MaterializeCSS)
  • GSuite APIs & Google Apps Script
  • Adobe Stack (esp. Illustrator, Photoshop)

Selected non-traditional Education:
JavaScript (Udacity Nanodegree Program, Ben Collins' Online Courses), d3.js (Shaun Pelling's Online Courses), HTML5/CSS (Brad Traversy's Online Courses).

Traditional Education:
MBA (Focus: Finance) from EDHEC Business School, BA (Focus: Econometrics) from Sonoma State University, AA (Focus: Economics) from Austin Community College.

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